Show your ads to the right users

Hide all the ads on your website from certain website visitors based upon their role.

Show your ads to the right users

Hide all the ads on your website from certain website visitors based upon their role.

Easy to Hide Ads

You can easily stop displaying the ads to the website users by clicking on the user role from the dropdown list in the ad visibility settings.

Hide Ads Easily
Accurate Ad Data

Accurate Ad Data

Get more accurate ads performance data by showing the ads only to the intended target audiences and not to the website admins, shop managers, etc.

Insert Ads Easily

In Just 3 Steps

Purchase & install the WP AdCenter Plugin

WP Adcenter Plugin

Purchase & install the WP Adcenter Plugin. Go through the getting started steps in WP-Admin to configure your Plugin.

Create your own Ads

Create Your Ads

Create your own Ads. Link Ads, Banner Ads, or Third-Party Ad Scripts. You can choose any type, where you want to place them & see them in action.

Connect Your Site to Adsense

Connect Your Site to Adsense

If you already have an Adsense account, use the Adsense importer feature to connect and import your Ads to show them on your Ad Spaces.

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